Can Coffee Prevent Diabetes Or Alzheimer’s Disease?

How much do you enjoy that morning cup of coffee? Research shows you should continue drinking the world’s most popular beverage plus add a few more cups throughout the day! Not only does coffee have high levels of antioxidants and nutrients, vitamins like B12, B5 and B3, it is also quite healthy for the aging population over age 65.


The Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease published a study showing results related to coffee and specifically high levels of caffeine (1200 ng/ml). Coffee drinkers have less cognitive decline and have a lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, the leading cause of dementia. It is the caffeine that blocks the inhibitory neurotransmitter adenosine and inflammation in the brain, the same inflammation which starts the mind’s cognitive decline. 


Is it just the caffeine? 

Caffeinated coffee helps people feel less tired, increases energy, and provides a better all-around mood. It is quite the happy beverage! Drinking just 200 mg of caffeine before taking a memory test results in greater scores on the test. However, researchers went a step further. They isolated the component in coffee called eicosanoyl-5-hydroxytryptamide (EHT) in a study with mice who had a tangled build-up of tau protein that is characteristic of Alzheimer’s. The result? Mice who had a significant improvement in their overall cognitive ability on various given tasks!


Do you enjoy coffee but not the jittery side effects of caffeine? 

You can still enjoy the smooth taste and overall benefits of coffee. Lavanta Coffee offers a variety of decaffeinated blends from 457 Horse Power to Brazilian, Sumatra, and Guatemalan coffees. Studies show that even a cup of decaf coffee can lower the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, another deadly disease that typically stems from a poor diet. Approximately 70% of people who suffer from type 2 diabetes go on to develop Alzheimer’s disease. There has also been discussion that Alzheimer’s may be the late stages of type 2 diabetes or even a third type of diabetes. So go ahead and have that second or even third cup!