Coffee Varieties and What They Mean in Your Cup

Arabica or Robusta? Faced with these different terms, many consumers simply take a guess—Arabica sounds… Arabic, perhaps, like it comes from a hot climate, where Robusta… will be robust? For those in the coffee industry, however, there is far more to it than just what those names can suggest. At Lavanta Coffee Roasters in New Jersey, we make sure to carefully select the best green coffee beans and roasted coffee to send to our customers, and part of that includes spelling out the differences between our most popular products. Get ready to find out about the differences, benefits, and distinctions between the Arabica and Robusta varieties of coffee!

The Classic: Arabica
If you travel back in time before the 1900s, coffee was of the Arabic variety. Even today, Arabica varieties of coffee make up 75-80% of the coffee produced around the world! Many of the best coffees in New Jersey are of the Arabica variety, which is grown at high altitudes, producing a moderate-sized crop yield. Arabicas are known for a sweet, mild taste, with plenty of variety available as this variety has been cultivated for many decades. The flavor is more acidic than bitter, and typically has less caffeine than a Robusta variety—up to half the amount of caffeine.

The Up and Comer: Robusta
Since the mid-1900s, there has been more interest in the Robusta variety. Originally, this variety of coffee was criticized and considered subpar to Arabica coffees—and no wonder, when Arabica coffees had a headstart of many centuries! A crop disease increased interest in the Robusta variety, which is able to grow at lower altitudes and is generally more resistant to pests and crop diseases, making this hardier variety more available and affordable when the bigger Arabica farms were struck with disease. Over time, smaller coffee growers have taken interest in the Robusta variety, improving the quality and flavor to the point that some connoisseurs prefer Robusta! The beloved café kopi luwak is actually a Robusta variety, and the best coffee roasters know that this coffee is prized by many! Plus, as Robusta varieties can be grown in more climates and produces a higher crop yield for the same resources, some suggest that this could be an environmentally sustainable option into the future.

Bonus Varieties
While most coffee produced and sold around the world is either Arabica or robusta, there are other varieties in existence! One of the better-known specialty varieties is Café Baraco (Barako coffee to some), and a variety from the Philippines called Liberica.

Ready to try some of the best coffee varieties today? Our online store features the best-quality green coffee beans in bulk, as well as fresh-roasted coffee. We even have a rewards program! Or, if you’re local to NJ and want to try a cup, visit our coffee shop in Hackettstown!