Why Home Roasting Produces the Best Coffee
At Lavanta Coffee Roasters in NJ, we are coffee roasters! In fact, it’s even in our name. But, as coffee lovers, we know just how great a freshly roasted cup of coffee can taste. While we pride ourselves on our roasting capabilities and store our roasted coffee beans for the utmost in freshness, we also know that there’s “no place like home” when you love coffee. Read on to find out why home roasting produces the best coffee, how you can get started, and some special products to make it easier!

Why Home Roast?
Have you ever toasted a marshmallow? It gets warm, gooey, and lightly browned on the outside. It would certainly be edible, and likely even delicious a few hours later. But you know that the best bite is going to be right after it is toasted. Most foods work the same way, including coffee beans. If you roast coffee, grind it, and, and use it immediately, you will get a coffee experience that is out of this world! Unfortunately, this level of freshness can only occur at home, as the time spent packaging and storing the roasted coffee will slowly deteriorate its taste.

Getting Started
Roasting your own coffee is (relatively) easy. You start with green coffee beans and roast, usually 11-14 minutes, at 375-500 degrees. Some people have had success using a thick, cast iron skillet, others prefer to purchase a dedicated roasting device, which makes things much easier. Place your beans in the heated device and keep them moving. The beans will crack, much like popping popcorn, and will eventually start to smoke. At the smoke point, you have a medium roast. If you keep roasting until the oils “sweat” out, you have reached a dark roast.

Lavanta Helps
Many people find that their coffee tastes are different when they can experience freshly roasted beans. To experiment with a variety of coffees, check out our “A Taste Around the World” sampler pack, featuring 13 of our most popular single-origin coffees from around the world. Need help? Give us a call and we’d be happy to advise.

Why Home Roasting Produces the Best Coffee At Lavanta Coffee Roasters in NJ, we are coffee roasters! In fact, it’s…
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Why Buy from Fair Trade Suppliers?
Those of us fortunate enough to live in well-off countries enjoy a minimum wage and protection for our employees. Unfortunately, in many of the places where coffee beans grow best, this is not the case, and workers, particularly farmers, are subject to poor working conditions just to receive pennies for their labor. We don’t think that’s fair, and neither does the Fair Trade Certification program. However, when you buy products that have been Fair Trade Certified, you can trust that you are doing the best for the farmers and for the world. Read on to find out why Lavanta Coffee Roasters in New Jersey is proud to be Fair Trade Certified.

Fair Wages
The key component of Fair Trade is ensuring that the trade partners receive a fair price for their products. This third-party certification protects both the suppliers and the buyers, ensuring a fair, consistent price. These fair wages go on to support the communities and local agriculture, ensuring that the business will survive for many years into the future.

If you ran a business and you weren’t being paid what you were worth, you would have to cut corners. Often, in the agriculture business, these corners involve the environment. Promote a healthy and sustainable grow by buying from Lavanta Coffee Roasters in NJ, where you can trust that our Fair Trade Certified coffees will meet your desires.

High Quality
Do you think that people who aren’t being treated well or paid well have the energy to give your coffee beans the attention they deserve? Not likely. When employees and suppliers are treated better, they can do a better job, such as making sure that the coffee beans are of the best quality. If you want the best coffee, you want to pay the people who make it what they are worth.
To find out more about how Lavanta Coffee Roasters in NJ stays committed to quality and sustainability, visit our certifications page at https://lavantacoffee.com/p/certfications.

Why Buy from Fair Trade Suppliers? Those of us fortunate enough to live in well-off countries enjoy a minimum wage…
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