How Coffee Choices Affect Climate Change

It seems like everyone is talking about climate change these days, and for good reason: we have not been kind to our earth. For those of us who care about these important consequences, this means evaluating how our everyday habits affect our world. Many of our customers at Lavanta Coffee Roasters in NJ have asked how coffee choices affects climate, even wondering things like “am I increasing my carbon footprint by drinking coffee from exotic places?” Fortunately, you can make good choices with your coffee to offset this. Read on to find out how!

Choose to Reuse—Cups, that is
The biggest polluter that your coffee habit has is most likely your cup, especially if you consume most of your coffee away from home! Whether your cup is unquestionably made of plastic or foam, or if it tries to be “paper” (most “paper” cups are coated with plastic to make them waterproof), single-use disposables are not earth-friendly. Instead, commit to an attractive mug or travel flask and brew your own coffee at home with fresh coffee beans ordered from Lavanta. We offer custom selected and custom roasted coffees from over 40 different origins and an additional 15 blends which are only roasted upon order.

Sources Matter
Coffee does take a toll on the climate no matter how you consume it—in large part, because it cannot be grown locally for most of the world. It must come from hot climates near the equator, and transporting it to Northern New Jersey or other cooler climates usually requires air travel. However, some sources are worse for the environment than others. Many commercial farmers seek to maximize their crops by exposing the coffee plants to as much sunlight as possible—by cutting down the surrounding trees. This is part of the huge toll that has been taken on our rainforests! Instead, seek out Rainforest Alliance coffees, like the Rainforest Alliance Certified green coffee beans you can buy at Lavanta Coffee, and feel better knowing that these growers are committed to natural, greener grows.

Try Cold Brew
While only contributing in a small way to climate change, the act of heating water for coffee does use more energy. Try cold brew coffee for a unique flavor twist and a reduction of your carbon footprint! If you roast your own coffee, this is a great way to experiment with the best roast and grind profiles that work for cold brewing. You can buy green coffee beans online and roast them yourself, or buy roasted coffee directly from Lavanta, the best coffee roasters in NJ.

While most research shows that individual actions are not enough to stop the path of climate change, we firmly believe that every little bit counts. Next time you’re ready for a hot cup of coffee, consider these great tips to reduce your “coffee footprint.”

It seems like everyone is talking about climate change these days, and for good reason: we have not been kind…
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Find Out How Monsoons Help Your Coffee

Anyone who lives in a chilly, northeastern climate like New Jersey can appreciate a hot cup of coffee. But what about the warmer weather, including monsoon season? Many of Lavanta Coffee Roasters’ New Jersey customers have never been near a monsoon, but may be surprised to find out that monsoons and coffee once went together! Keep reading to find out the history of Monsooned Malibar coffee and why you should try some today!

Beans in a Monsoon
While today’s coffee lovers can enjoy Fair Trade coffee from around the world by buying online and having it shipped, usually by airplane, this was not always the case. Many centuries ago, the only way to move coffee beans from their natural growing regions in Africa and Southeast Asia was to put them on a ship, sailing around the world with all the weather conditions, including monsoons. Trade between India and Europe was strong in those days, but travel was slow—about six months for the voyage! During monsoon seasons, the crew and cargo would regularly be exposed to humidity, causing the coffee beans to swell with absorbed moisture from the winds and rain. Today, “monsooning” is done on land, with carefully selected and sun-dried coffee berries being exposed to the monsoon winds in carefully designed warehouses that allow the winds to pass through. This process makes the beans larger, colors them a pale golden hue, and reduces acid to almost nothing, with a neutral PH balance.

Our Monsooned Coffee
At Lavanta Coffee Roasters in NJ, we offer India Monsooned Malabar AA, which you can buy as green coffee beans online, or purchase in a small batch of roasted coffee beans by the best coffee roasters in Northern NJ! This coffee is rich, bull, and spicy, with very low acidity, making it perfect for those with sensitivities to acidic products. Like all our coffees, we work hard to source our Monsooned coffee ethically to ensure a healthy coffee supply for years to come.

Ready to try our Monsooned coffee? It makes a perfect gift for the savvy coffee lover, and we offer flexible options to buy green coffee beans online or purchase beans roasted right at our NJ location. We hope you’ll stop by soon!

Anyone who lives in a chilly, northeastern climate like New Jersey can appreciate a hot cup of coffee. But what…
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Surprising Benefits of Kopi Luwak Coffee (80% off sale)

Coffee is one of those foods that has gone back and forth with nutritionists over the years, with some benefits and some drawbacks as well. While this classic beverage has been enjoyed for many years and in many nations, modern consumers are concerned about the effects on the heart, teeth, and anxiety—but, in moderation, the exact opposite may be true! Researchers are finding more and more health benefits to coffee, especially the rarest and most unusual blend: the Kopi Luwak coffee. Harvested, eaten, and partially digested by the civet (a little mammal somewhat similar to a weasel or ferret), the coffee berries that go on to become Kopi Luwak coffee are prized for their many health benefits.

Low Acid. If you or someone you know avoids coffee due to digestive or ulcer concerns, blame acid. The acid in coffee, which can be increased or decreased depending on the roast and brewing process, spells trouble for many people. However, since the civet has already done some of the digestion for you, Kopi Luwak coffee is naturally low in acid! Try brewing freshly roasted beans in an espresso machine for the lowest acid.

Oral Health. The unique process that the Kopi Luwak beans go through gives them antibacterial properties! This mean that your teeth are less likely to feel “slimy” from sticky bacteria. Some studies even suggest that coffee, including Kopi Luwak, may help prevent oral cancers! Remember, though: adding sugar or milk may offset these benefits, so order your coffee beans from the best coffee roasters!

Think Clearly. Coffee doesn’t just give you a quick mental burst—some studies show that regular consumption of coffee can help prevent Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s! What makes this magic? The caffeine, which can actually help to reduce inflammation.

Ready to try café Kopi Luwak today? You’re in luck! Lavanta is offering deep discounted deals on these exotic beans in the New Year! Easy to order online at and earn 135 Reward Points!

Coffee is one of those foods that has gone back and forth with nutritionists over the years, with some benefits…
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This Holiday Season, Give an Active Gift That Keeps on Giving

Are you looking for a fun holiday gift or tradition that will keep on giving? Find your best friend, closest relative, or even that coworker you’d like to get to know a little better and pick up a great new hobby: Roasting your own coffee! Read on to find out our DIY basics and more tips from the expert coffee roasters at Lavanta – your 5-star coffee shop!

Step 1: Choose the best green coffee beans
The first step to a delicious home roast operation is high-quality coffee beans. You can buy green coffee beans online from Lavanta, or if you’re in the NJ area, stop in to buy coffee beans in bulk! Whether you enjoy café kopi luwak, Sumatra, or any other blend, we can help you choose the best beans.

Step 2: Choose your roasting tool
Professional coffee roasters like Lavanta use specialty coffee roasting equipment. While you can purchase a home roast setup, for new coffee roasters, you can also use a cast iron pot or even a popcorn popper!

Step 3: Roast!
Finally, we get to the real event. Turn up that heat and roast those beans! After the first “crack” you hear, keep an eye on the color of your beans, as this will determine the roast level. Leave on longer for darker roasts, but make sure not to overdo it! For new coffee roasters, try roasting in small quantities so you can keep an eye on the progress… and in case of overcooking!

Step 4: Cool, grind, and enjoy
The last step enters familiar grounds for coffee lovers. Allow your roasted beans to cool, and store them for a few days to let the flavors breathe. After that, grind them up and brew as usual for the freshest cup ever!
Now that you know how to do it, why not make this a fun holiday tradition with your favorite coffee lover? Love to have a backup plan in case your home roast is a flop? Check out our gift packs of K-cups, beans, and more! For a delicious cup with absolutely no work, visit our coffee shop in New Jersey!

Are you looking for a fun holiday gift or tradition that will keep on giving? Find your best friend, closest…
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Roasting Profiles and the Flavor of Your Cup

Have you ever found yourself wondering what the different roasts of coffee mean? Many people assume that all coffees are processed the same way, but in the world of the best coffee roasters, the roast makes all the difference! Here at Lavanta, we are proud to import the best quality green coffee beans online and roast them right in our store, but your favorite beans may also be roasted somewhere else—or, maybe you want to explore the excitement of roasting your own coffee beans! In any case, today we will share the difference between the various roasting profiles, how they get roasted, and how the roast affects the flavor.

Basics of Coffee Roasting
Roasting the coffee beans is so important because it can release up to one thousand different compounds affecting taste and smell! Without roasting, your cup would likely be green and grassy. To roast, coffee beans are carefully exposed to heat and allowed to cook for some time.

Light or Dark Roast?
While there are many different degrees between “light and dark” roast coffees, the basics stay true for every degree. Coffee that is very lightly roasted is typically more acidic, with a bold, vibrant flavor. As the coffee is roasted further, the fruit compounds break down, and more sulfuric compounds can be tasted. Many people enjoy a medium roast to balance the fruity, light flavor of light roasts and the smoky, burnt flavors of dark roasts. Speaking of dark roasts, these are roasted the longest, often resulting in a pleasantly burnt flavor and low acid. There is no “right or wrong” way to enjoy your coffee, so try to experiment with different roast levels to find the one that makes your taste buds tingle!

Roast Expertise
Roasting coffee beans is about more than just getting them hot. Unlike microwave popcorn, each coffee roaster has his or her own preferences, and these preferences affect the taste. For example, some coffee beans taste delicious when roasted quickly, while others do better with a slow roast to maximize flavor. Slower roasts typically reduce acid, which can help those who are sensitive or avoiding acidic beverages. If your coffee roaster in NJ knows if you are planning to use an espresso machine or a filtered brew method, your roast can be adjusted to perfectly suit these brewing types.

We hope you enjoyed our brief introduction to the coffee roasting process! If you have more questions, or want to try some of the best, fresh-roasted coffee in New Jersey, stop by Lavanta Coffee Roasters today!

Have you ever found yourself wondering what the different roasts of coffee mean? Many people assume that all coffees are…
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